What to Watch: A Self-Recommendation Guide!

What to watch? A question most ask themselves after a tiring day at work or during a weekend when they decide to watch something to relax. But only 10 per cent (this is a gracious assumption at best) get the answer to that question and start watching what they want to. The rest keep scrolling and spend the rest of the day searching for content to watch. But ultimately, give that up and go to bed or do something unrelated.

Have you ever thought about why this happens and try solving it? If not, don’t worry. You are in the right place. In this post, we will analyze why this block happens 90 per cent of the time and see how Curated Mix’s Customized Solution/Framework can help you in that search. So that you can start watching and relax!

what to watch

Issues in finding What to Watch!

Let us start from the root cause. The major roadblock for the search to find what to watch now is due to the unassurance of what to watch. Either a movie, a show (series/sitcom), or a documentary. These are the content formats the majority go after. Thanks to the digital age, now we have content like long-form YouTube videos (like celebrity interviews during a movie’s promotions) to 60-second reels in the mix. It further complicates the search.

It gets more complicated on the weekdays because, after an 8-hour working day (add another 2 hours to it because of the getting ready rituals and the to and fro travel to the office and home), you won’t have enough energy both mentally and physically to search for a content to watch in the remaining time left on the day.

Your body will demand you to rest by switching off your brain. But your mind and soul might want to recharge after a draining day at work. Finding a content form to satisfy all these demands is quite challenging.

Is Watching Reels a Good Way to Spend Your Lesuire Time!?

If you think of spending the rest of the day consuming reels, think again. Reels are fine if you watch them during short breaks or with friends and to have fun. Because if you watch them for a longer duration, you will get sucked into them and forget the surroundings.

You might think this is a good thing after an exhausting day at work. But it is not. The reason is watching reels won’t trigger any creative imagination in you. Time-consuming. But will have no positive impact on either your mind or body. So, watch reels on short breaks and not for long periods.

What to Watch on Weekdays?

Now, you might think about what to watch on weekdays after work hours. There are multiple solutions for this from Curated Mix. Start a series or sitcom on Sunday night and continue watching it on weekday nights with one or two episodes per day based on your other commitments and time available.

what to watch on weekday

If you are not a series/sitcom person, you can try watching stand-up comics that will lighten your mood after a hectic day.

You may think, why not watch a movie? You could. But a movie requires your concentration for a longer time than a series, sitcom, or stand-up comic. Generally, weekdays after work hours won’t provide you with that cushion. So, reserve watching movies on weekends when you might get longer time slots to give your undivided attention to a movie.

If all these choices don’t work for you, you can watch a documentary series with multiple episodes or a long-form video on YouTube from a topic of your interest.

With the weekdays sorted out, naturally, you will start thinking about the weekend when you will have more free time to watch content.

What to Watch on Weekends?

The ideal choice will be to watch a movie on the weekend, especially new releases. It gives you the time to watch a movie and enough time to dwell on it and experience it completely when it turns out to be that good after watching. But if it doesn’t, it will always give you ample time to feel guilty over wasting your time on a mid-movie. So, consider it as an official disclaimer from Curated Mix.

what to watch on weekend

Now, what if you are a binger instead of a watcher? And a homebody. Curated Mix has a solution for that!

Choose a limited series of your choice. Watch it at your pace throughout the weekend amidst your chores. Balancing entertainment and household chores is a special feeling!

Right now, you may feel you have sorted it all out. Have you? The game has only started now.

If one gets this sorted, then another roadblock arises. That is what to watch in the selected content form. You will think of questions like What movie to watch? What sitcom to watch? What documentary to watch?

The questions might look and sound simple. But finding the answer for them is an uphill task. Because in this age of content, abundant content is more of a bane than a boon if you take a close look.

More choices will always be confusing and will never give total satisfaction to you. You might feel what if I had watched the other content instead of the one I watched. Would it have been a more satisfying content? Would it have made me rejoice more? These are some of the few questions that may pop up in your mind after completing your watch, no matter how satisfied you are.

You might think of taking the usual route of googling or asking a friend for a recommendation. But, you know, it also will provide you with numerous choices. It will further complicate your search.

So, now you might ask what to do. The only working solution is devising a recommendation method on your own. Yes. If you have your recommendation framework, you will save a lot of time. You can use that saved time to watch the content.

Don’t get frightened seeing the words such as framework. It is nothing but organizing the questions you will ask yourself while searching for content to watch.

Curated Mix will provide you with the basic template. All you need to do is use it. Customize based on your preferences. Find content to watch and spend your leisure time relaxed.

What Movie to Watch on OTT/Theatre?

what movie to watch on ott

For example, if you have decided you want to watch a movie, you will face the challenging task of finding what movie to watch. With the sea of genres and sub-genres available, you will find it harder to choose one to watch within time.

It isn’t the whole picture. It is just the main gameplay. You will face many side quests, prolonging your search to find what movie to watch. For example, if it is the weekend, you will have a dilemma on whether to watch one available on OTTs or go to the theatre and watch a new release.

If you face these many roadblocks for the most preferred content format, finding a show or a documentary to watch can be more tricky. But don’t worry. Curated Mix can help you with the search(es) with our customized solution/framework.

What Movie to Watch? – Self-Movie Recommendation!

If you have decided to watch a movie and search for one, figure out whether you want to watch an old or a newly released movie first. It will give you a solid headstart for the search as this will narrow down your search.

Now, let us jump into Curated Mix’s customized solution/framework on the search for what movie to watch.

> Where are you going to watch the movie? OTT or Theatre. Depending on whether you want to watch a new or an old one.

Once you choose where to watch, check what are the new releases and try to filter them.

> From the filtered list, check whether the movie of your preferred genre is playing.

It is best if you already know your favourite genres. If not, choose at least your top five genres from action, adventure, horror, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy etc.,

> If you find a movie of your favourite genre playing, do basic checks like whether the plotline is intriguing, look at the cast and crew etc.,

If all fits, trust the process and click on play. It has a good chance of 90 per cent that the movie you found at the end of the search will be likeable.

You can also further customize the template by adding questions or filters. For example, you can check whether your favourite actor is a part of the movie.

This template or framework is for movies only. For finding a sitcom to watch or a documentary to watch, Curated Mix has different frameworks customized for them. Customize them as per your preferences. Save your time in search. And invest it in watching the content you like the most.

Use Curated Mix’s customized solutions/frameworks, find the content you are searching for and share your feedback after watching them!

Happy Watching!

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